How to avoid the risks of working at height in the construction industry

What is high level?
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Directive,2014; Places that exceed the waist level are generally considered high. Places taller than the average person are in high places, and the activities to be done in such places can be considered as working at height. Although it differs between countries, those who work at heights of120 cm and above should be protected.
Accidents in construction industry
The construction industry is one of the industries with the highest number of fatal work accidents. According to the statistics, the most common fatal occupational accident type in the construction industry is the fall of people and materials from a height. Part from the fact that the biggest risk factor in high-rise buildings is falling from height due to gravity, it cannot be said that working at height creates a different risk group than working on the ground. For this reason, it is seen that the easiest way to reduce fatal work accidents is to prevent falling from a height.
How to minimize accidents in construction industry
Employees should be informed with continuous and comprehensive training, and all necessary OHS equipment should be urgently provided in accordance with the standards.
Legislation on occupational health and safety in work done at height in the construction sector is regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Law and summarizes the precautions to be taken while working at height, the dangers that may arise while working at height, and the responsibilities of employers and employees.
References are made to the relevant standards. Within the scope of the Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Works, the definition of working at height, the rules to be followed in the work to be done at height, the details of the precautions to be taken with reference to the relevant standards and general provisions regarding scaffolding systems are included.
Also, personal and general protective equipment to be used in works to be carried out at height, use of stairs, precautions to be taken in floor spaces and edges, and protective materials to be used are also discussed.
It should not be forgotten that the safety of work equipment that provides protection should not be overlooked, avoid using the equipment that is not adequately maintained.